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Body Treatments 

Cavitation body contouring 

Cavitation+cellulite Vacuum therapy+skin tightening RF


Cavitation body contouring 
Cavitation+cellulite Vacuum therapy+skin tightening RF

60 min

$350 per area

Ultrasonic cavitation Is a body contouring treatment

Uses ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells in targeted parts of the body.

This procedure is a safer alternative to surgical options, like liposuction.


Signature Back Facial 

60 min


The back facial uses a combination of cleansing and exfoliating

techniques to remove all the impurities from your skin. It also

includes a massage to help improve circulation and promote



Body Peels

60 min


Specifically formulated to improve pigment, minimize acne, and soften skin texture for the back, body, and buttocks, this peel is perfect for anyone looking for an allin-one treatment.

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